Autumn is the time of colors and warm tones. Decay and the last rebellion. Preparation for a rest period only to start full of energy in a new life. Last green under withered calyxes. The maize plants in the fields are changing color and are still stretching upwards. Wild wine flames in strong red. Leaves fall, form colorful faiences, mosaics, alienated by movement. Action painting with the camera through rapid movement during the exposure, post-processing in the digital photo lab. Overlaying the same, rotated image to alienate and abstract the original image creating further dynamics and visual doubt.

The leaves are falling, fall as from far,
as though far gardens withered in the heavens;
they are falling with denying gestures.

And in the nights the heavy earth is falling
from all the stars down into solitude.

We are all falling. This hand falls.
And look at others; it is in them all.

And yet there is One who holds this falling
endlessly gently in his hands.

Autumn, Rainer Maria Rilke