I recently came across a video tutorial on abstract landscapes. Since I often walk around outside and it was a cold particularly cold and windy evening, I decided on the spot to give it a try. The trick is to have a long exposure and deliberately move the camera across the landscape in horizontal or vertical ways. It helps if the structures you move the camera on are bright and colourful. Still I used strong editing using the slider to the extreme brings out the colours nicely. So the clear early spring evening at my famous “Flachsee” with a beautiful sunset was well suited for the task.

The interesting element in this: each picture is really unique through the accidental movements of the camera and cannot be reproduced. Some may consider this as literally “Painted with Light”. However, I am not sure if this will not get boring after a while. Let me know what you think about it.

I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality

Frida Kahlo