In this memorable summer, memorable for the endless periods of sunshine (for Swiss Standards), the lack of rain (leaving an uncounted number of dead garden plants behind) and record temperatures across Europe, our annual Ticino Workshop hit it perfectly – the only rainy day within weeks was the day of photography. Already the previous day, when we arrived on San Gottardo, the rain kicked in. As it was announced, only a few tourists found their way over the pass and stopped. The usual crowds, feeding on sausages, hamburgers, ice cream, beer and soft drinks, buying tickets for the now abandoned fortress and souvenirs at the tourist info were nowhere seen. Busses passed by avoiding the showers. As a consequence, the atmosphere was a bit gloomy. I had originally planned a story about tourism on San Gottardo, showing the ques in front of the barbecues, loads of garbage and the like.
But now, everything was closed – Chiuso in Italian.

I’ve quietly closed doors that I’m not likely to open again anytime soon, not out of pride, but out of respect for myself.
found on the Internet various authors claim it….